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Voices from the Past

Writer's picture: thewelltherapythewelltherapy

So many of us have negative experiences or words said to or about us that get sticky.  When I say sticky, I mean stuck in our brains, stuck in the ways we think, in what we believe about ourselves, other people, the world … even God.  #stuck #sticky


Why is it those negative things seem to stick so easily?  


There’s a good reason negative experiences are sticky.  God wired our brains for efficiency and to recall danger as a way of keeping us safe from harm.  For example, if I touch something hot and get burned, that experience sticks with me, and I avoid getting burned in the future because of that sticky experience. 


Of course, hot things are not inherently evil or bad, but they can cause us harm.  So, God designed us with a beautifully complicated and intricate control system – the central nervous system – that would help us learn from negative experiences to keep us from harm.  For people who have a lot of negative experiences and trauma, sometimes this system of protection goes into overdrive and tells us there’s a fire (danger) when there’s no smoke.


What He did not intend, I believe, was that we live in a world marred by sin – we were created for life in Eden – the way it was before the Fall.  (I’m so thankful we, as followers of Jesus, are destined for a return to Eden).  But sin entered the world and changed things for this in-between space in the timeline of eternity. The sin of others and our own sin have consequences, and those consequences create negative experiences that stick. 


Over the course of a lifetime, the sticky stuff may remind us of how often we have felt rejected or abandoned or not enough.  The sticky stuff is a voice in our own heads that does not echo the Truth, but the lies of the accuser whose entire purpose is to steal, kill and destroy.  And boy is he good at it.  You can be saved for eternity and live in bondage for all your earthly years because of the lies of the enemy of your soul.  Slavery to Satan’s deception was never God’s plan or purpose for you, dear one.


Here's the good news: we are not without hope here in the in-between!  There is a reason the Bible exhorts us to intentionally place our thoughts on whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, excellent, worthy of praise and to practice doing so (English Standard Version (ESV), Phil 4.8-9).  I wish it were a one-and-done, but it is not – no, we have to practice and create a habit of directing our thoughts to the truth.  Because the negative things are sticky, and it takes some mental elbow grease to get our thoughts, beliefs and emotions out of those well-worn ruts!


God also wired us to be able to direct our thoughts and respond to, rather than be dictated by our feelings.  If you’re like most people, our thoughts and feelings often direct us automatically – anyone?  God designed this beautifully efficient control system the ability to rewire – something called neuroplasticity.  The negative thoughts and beliefs have often become such a well-worn pathway in our brains they are automatic.  And it often “feels” like the thoughts are backed up by facts.  The beauty of neuroplasticity is that with intentionality, God’s truth, and logical challenges, we are able to create new pathways that become automatic over time – pathways that are more balanced and truthful about ourselves, others, the world and God. #neuroplasticity


Often, people live in shame and condemnation because of those harmful sticky things.  I do not intend to minimize how difficult it is to shake those sticky thoughts and feelings.  However, through Jesus we have a power that defeated death and are able to plug into it.  It is paradoxical because it requires completely surrendering to God as well as being fully responsible for my own role in overcoming.  We have responsibility for what we choose to focus on, and we rely upon the power of the Holy Spirit to transform us.


Romans chapter 6 discusses breaking free from the bondage to sin.  Being stuck is not, in itself a sin, but it most certainly is slavery, and it is being enslaved to the lies of the devil.  There is a roadmap for freedom from this slavery though.  Some of the verses that stood out regarding breaking free from bondage follow: 


  • “So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Jesus Christ” (ESV, Rom. 6.11).

  • “Don’t you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey?  (New Living Translation (NLT), Rom 6:16a).

  • “When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the obligation to do right. And what was the result?  You are now ashamed of the things you used to do, things that end in eternal doom (NLT, Rom. 6.20-21).


Following this roadmap requires an intentional shift of thinking and focus.  It requires us to do the part we are responsible for:  choosing. #choose


Choose to consider yourself alive to God in Jesus Christ.  Romans 8:1 (ESV) says, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”


Choose to reject being enslaved to those old sticky thoughts and beliefs – the devil would love for you to believe you cannot escape from your past – whether it is sinful choices you made or sinful choices others made that have affected you.  Hopelessness is a lie.


Choose to obey God and live righteously.  Choose to reject shame and condemnation because that’s one of the ways the devil accuses and enslaves you.  Stop letting the past live in your present. #shame


Surrender yourself completely to the Lordship of Jesus.  He is full of loving kindness and mercy.  Fear and shame are the tools Satan uses to keep you at a distance from God.  There is absolutely nothing that has happened to you or you have done that remains hidden from His view and He loves you with a fierceness you cannot begin to imagine.  He loves you where you are, but precious one, He does not want to leave you there.  He wants to lift you up.  Love doesn’t force its way in though – He waits for your invitation and surrender.


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